Some airlines now charge obese passengers for two seats if
they do not fit into one.
Some feel this is a case of discrimination against the
overweight population, but what about the rights of the other passengers that
sit beside them? Aren’t they entitled to sit comfortably too?
I think that you're making a very good point. Many people would initially think about how humiliated or disrespected someone would feel if they were the ones being asked to pay for two seats. However, few people think of the people on the other side of the argument, they are also paying a large amount of money to be comfortable on flight whether it's long or short. It makes sense that airlines would charge more money for someone who needs an extra seat to fit in because that person is basically covering the cost for a potential customer. On the other hand, I also believe it is unfair and rude to the person subject to the price change. Maybe airlines just need seats to come in different sizes, just like people do.