Monday, November 19, 2012

Survey Plan

For my interview, I plan on asking both males and females across several different age groups about their thoughts and views on obesity and related topics. My parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins have agreed to take part in my data collection. Because of their ages, I will have an adequate sampling of three different generations. Since all of these people will be visiting my home during the upcoming holidays, the interviews will take place in my house. Moreover, I plan to spend approximately fifteen minutes asking pointed questions; additional time twill be needed to analyze the results. To complete my project, I will need my notebook and the following prepared questions to conduct the interviews. These are the questions included on my survey:
1.      Do you agree that there is an obesity epidemic in this country?

2.      Was there an obesity epidemics going on as you were growing up?

3.      Do you believe that the NYC Soda Ban will help lower the rate of obesity?

4.      What do you think is the main reason that there are so many obese people in America today?

5.      Do you think people get treated differently if they are grossly overweigh?

6.      Do you agree with the airlines when they charge overweight people for two seats if they do not fit into one?

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Research Method

I have chosen to utilize survey research to evaluate my healthcare topic. Before using the interview method, I will develop pertinent questions that are directly related to the obesity epidemic in our country. Then I will proceed to interview males and females in a wide range of ages. In an attempt to avoid interviewer bias, I will choose relatives and close friends that I have a comfortable and honest rapport with.